Wednesday 21 September 2011


Day 5.Crossing from Wellington to Picton was smooth as silk-I dozed most of the way-interspersed with replay highlights of last weekend's AFL finals (change from wall to wall rugby)
A journey of reminiscence along the winding road that flanks Queen Charlotte's Sound. The beauty of the Fiords here defies my descriptive powers. Just accomplished a steep trek to a lookout and now, having stopped in Havelock-The green-lip mussel capital of the world-you will forgive me if I lunch on mussels in a garlic-cream bisque with the accompaniment of a glass of local Sauvignon Blanc(the range of cooking methods and sauces on offer is unique)

The waitress at the Mussel Pot said 90% of people in the town are employed in the industry and so full is employment that anyone attempting to sign on for the dole, is referred to the nearest Vineyard(do you hear Australia??) Should I? I shouldn't! But what the hell. To complete my NZ fayre-dairy ice cream with berry topping. Next stop Nelson.
The rest of the way was on a good, reasonably fast road-even when it climbed steeply and descended precipitately.Cruising along the coast in the late afternoon sunshine,I could see the hillside suburbs of Nelson reflecting its glow. The town was all a bustle and according to the receptionist at the campsite, just recovering from last nights drama-Italian and Russian supporters had flocked in to support their teams.
Maccas was packed with parents taking their young kids(or was it the other way round) for a 4pm snack and tribes of senior uniformed high school boys and girls staking out their afternoon gang territories. Does this happen in Australia too or is this just an NZ thing?
Glad to have stopped driving.The campsite is right in town so will just mooch around tomorrow-Richmond style-to catch my breath. There is a train that runs from Greymouth(scene of the mining tragedy) on the West coast to Christchurch. I may take the day return trip on Friday.
Now for the pub counter tea and to-night's game on TV features Tonga v Japan from Hamilton.

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